This website is writing through your personal issues. In that spirit, I’m going to write about my experiences on the autism spectrum.
I’ve gradually come to realize how differently I see the world, compared to most other people, the vast throng of people collectively known as ‘neurotypical’ or NT. It’s an ongoing process.
What I describe here might enrage you. If so, congratulations! You’ve just experienced a different point of view. It’s a exercise worth repeating.
But we’ll take it easy and start out with something unambiguously positive.
A person of low intellect was using abusive language to describe the Special Olympics on the Arnold Schwarzenegger’s social media. He was having none of it:
For anyone reading this without images, here was his response:
As evil and stupid as this comment is, I’m not going to delete it or ban you (yet) because it’s a teachable moment. You have two possible paths ahead. Right now, I guarantee you that these athletes have more courage, compassion, brains and skill — actually more of every positive human quality than you. So take their path — you could learn from them, and try to challenge yourself, to give back, to add something to the world. Or you can stay on your path, and keep being a sad, pitiful, jealous Internet troll who adds nothing to the world but mocks anyone who does out of small-minded jealousy. I know that all you really want is attention, so let me be clear. If you choose to keep going this way, no one will ever remember you.