From a Reddit post by agalaxythr0waway: –Update 23.6– * Improved eyecontact frequency and duration * Mind-wandering has been greatly reduced.… Read more Brilliant “product description” for aspergers

From a Reddit post by agalaxythr0waway: –Update 23.6– * Improved eyecontact frequency and duration * Mind-wandering has been greatly reduced.… Read more Brilliant “product description” for aspergers
I just finished reading The Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon (an author with an autistic son). It offers a… Read more Another brilliant depiction of Aspergers
From a psychologist on the spectrum. It’s long—around 3 hours—but we all know you watch stuff at 2x speed anyway,… Read more A brilliant depiction of Aspergers
Read original article Worth a read. Does your employer let you take a day off for a self-declared “mental health… Read more It’s 2017 and mental health is still an issue in the workplace.
I’m reading _The Upside of Your Dark Side: Why Being Your Whole Self—Not Just Your “Good” Self—Drives Success and Fulfillment_… Read more Three distressing beliefs
Some thoughts. First of off, if you are experiencing anxiety at the level that it affects your job performance, you… Read more Talking to your boss about anxiety
Resources mentioned in the book Winning At Life (even when you feel like đź’©)Â and anything otherwise generally helpful. Got more… Read more Winning Resources